©2010 David Koehler
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machine shop engine industrial balancing, fuel injection  flow tesing urbana IL
Urbana IL, USA 
217 531 1770  
M-F  9 - 5 CST

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Nitrous Oxide
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All Text and images on this website are copyrighted by David Koehler 2000 and beyond
All sales are final. Items and services provided by Koehler Injection are intended for off road use only.
No responsibility whatsoever will be accepted by Koehler Injection for any damage, injury or loss resulting from their use.
Nitrous Master.
Urbana, IL  USA     217-531-1770     M- F   9-5   CST
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Fuel Pump / Camshaft End Play
Thrust Shims are .005, .015, .030 thick

If you have a Torrington bearing between the block and the
cam gear Aim for  -.001/.000 end play.

If you have a bronze shim/bearing between the block and the
cam gear aim for .005 end play.